Tag: Orange County FL

Scott Boyd Is Now Orange County’s Biggest Loser

Scott Boyd Is Now Orange County’s Biggest Loser

Scott Boyd Is Now Orange County’s Biggest Loser. GOP Power Brokers Consider Him Toxic And Have Stop Answering His Calls As we have all heard, election day was not a good day for the real estate developers in Orange County. The Florida GOP was shocked that in the midst of the Trump Red Wave, thousands…

A Secret Austin Arthur Sugar Mama Exposed!

A Secret Austin Arthur Sugar Mama Exposed!

Who Is The Secret Austin Arthur Sugar Mama? She Has Poured More Money Into His Campaign Than Sugar Daddy Scott Boyd! Who Is The Secret Austin Arthur Sugar Mama? Winter Garden City Commissioner Iliana Ramos Jones appears to be Austin Arthur’s new cougar sugar mama. The septuagenarian Ramos-Jones and her development/construction conglomerate has poured thousands…

Did Austin Arthur Cover Up A Sexual Assault At Gymnastics USA?

Did Austin Arthur Cover Up A Sexual Assault At Gymnastics USA?

Did Austin Arthur Cover Up A Sexual Assault At Gymnastics USA? Comment On YouTube Re-Ignites Rumors Of A Cover-Up Rumors have resurfaced about an alleged sexual assault that happened at Gymnastics USA several years ago. What is more disturbing are allegations of an Austin Arthur cover up of the alleged locker room assault.  There had…

Sleazy Scott Boyd: The Wannabe Kingpin Of Orange County

Sleazy Scott Boyd: The Wannabe Kingpin Of Orange County

Sleazy Scott Boyd Wants To Be The Kingpin Of Orange County. He Recruited Austin Arthur To Be His Right Hand Man Sleazy Scott Boyd has a whacked out Machiavellian ambition to become the next Mayor of Orange County in 2026.  The wannabe developer is nothing more than political has-been and Facebook keyboard warrior. He yearns…

Austin Arthur Launched False Flag Operation

Austin Arthur Launched False Flag Operation

Austin Arthur Launched a False Flag Sign Vandalism And Destruction Operation Against His Own Campaign to Falsely Blame Nicole Wilson and Win Sympathy Vote Grab the popcorn! You’re not going to believe this one, but it’s true. Our crack team of investigators has discovered that Austin Arthur launched a false flag operation regarding the vandalism…

Meth Head Austin Arthur And His Cavalcade Of Crooked Politicians

Meth Head Austin Arthur And His Cavalcade Of Crooked Politicians

Meth Head Austin Arthur Has Endorsements From A Cavalcade of Crooked Politicians He Met In Drug Rehab And While Attending NA Meetings When you run for public office you want to get endorsements from upstanding members of the community. These endorsements are a window into the values, beliefs, and priorities of a candidate. They offer…



VOTERS SHOCKED by Austin Arthur DISASTROUS DEFAMATION Video DIATRIBE Slandering Voters in District 1 It is being called the HOTTEST political video blunder in over two decades. Mentally challenged high school drop-out Austin Arthur doesn’t understand political SATIRE. He published a DISASTROUS DEFAMATION Video full of libel and slander of private citizen voters where he…

Silent Night Deadly Night: Austin Attacks Paw-Paw

Silent Night Deadly Night: Austin Attacks Paw-Paw

Silent Night Deadly Night: On Christmas Eve 2018 An Inebriated Austin Arthur Violently Assaulted His Former Father-In-Law In Front Of His Kids Most real Christians spend the night before Christmas with family, wrapping gifts and celebrating the solemn Holiday at Church services.  But that is NOT how MAD-DOG Austin “Boyd” Arthur rolls. Christmas Eve 2018…