Tag: Gymnastics USA Florida

Austin Arthur Gal Pal Carolina Amesty Accused of PPP Fraud

Austin Arthur Gal Pal Carolina Amesty Accused of PPP Fraud

Federal Prosecutors Accuse Austin Arthur Gal Pal Carolina Amesty Of Pandemic Relief Fraud! Are Austin And Zander Arthur Next? Austin Arthur gal pal Carolina Amesty is facing accusations of defrauding the federal loan program during the COVID-19 pandemic. Residents in west Orange County are wondering if federal authorities will be investigating Austin and Zander Arthur…

Zander Arthur Has Dropped His Illegal SLAPP Lawsuit

Zander Arthur Has Dropped His Illegal SLAPP Lawsuit

Zander Arthur Has Dropped His Illegal SLAPP Lawsuit Against People He Claims Operate RealAustinArthur.com Austin Arthur’s dimwitted and useful idiot brother Zander Arthur has dropped his frivolous lawsuit against the people he perceives are behind RealAustinArthur.com. In August, the Fredo Corleone of the Arthur family filed suit against 3 people and a defunct entity. He…

Real Austin Arthur Destroyed Austin Arthur’s Campaign

Real Austin Arthur Destroyed Austin Arthur’s Campaign

Real Austin Arthur Destroyed Austin Arthur’s Campaign For County Commission But Now We Can’t Remember Why Have you ever gotten so wrapped up in what you were doing you lost sight of why you were doing it? Real Austin Arthur successfully destroyed Austin Arthur’s political campaign for county commission. But for the life of us…

Zander Arthur Throws His Attorney Ronald Sikes Under The Bus

Zander Arthur Throws His Attorney Ronald Sikes Under The Bus

Zander Arthur Throws His Attorney Ronald Sikes Under The Bus In Vox Populi Interview. Did He Sabotage His Own Lawsuit?  Does anyone actually read Norine Dworkin’s Vox Populi website in Orange County, Florida? It appears from internet metrics that very few people do. However, if you are not one of her few dedicated readers, then…

More Zander Arthur Lies Are Debunked!

More Zander Arthur Lies Are Debunked!

More Zander Arthur Lies Have Been Debunked. It’s Not Looking Good For The Arthur Brothers. Will Austin Arthur Lose More Than An Election? Yes, we have uncovered more Zander Arthur lies. Its more proof the Arthur brothers definitely throw around enough bullshit to fertilize the Sinai peninsula.  This time it could really land his lawyer…

Will Prosecutors Charge Zander Arthur With A 3rd Degree Felony?

Will Prosecutors Charge Zander Arthur With A 3rd Degree Felony?

Austin Arthur Throws His Brother Under The Bus Again. Will Prosecutors Charge Zander Arthur With A 3rd Degree Felony For Fraud On The Court? Will prosecutors charge Zander Arthur with a 3rd-degree felony? It appears Zander and his lawyer knowingly lied in court documents. He also suing the wrong people. The Arthur Brothers and their…

Armies Of Pedophiles Troll The Streets Around Gymnastics USA

Armies Of Pedophiles Troll The Streets Around Gymnastics USA

Armies Of Pedophiles Troll The Streets Around  Gymnastics USA! Are Children Safe There? Has The Unspeakable Ever Happened In A Changing Room?  Several parents have sued Gymnastics USA for negligent behavior multiple times over the past five years. Yet, none of them thankfully mention any type of sexual assault on children. Despite that, armies of…

Gymnastics USA Threw In The Towel And Settled 2019 Lawsuit

Gymnastics USA Threw In The Towel And Settled 2019 Lawsuit

Gymnastics USA Threw In The Towel! Taha Afoud Finally Receives Justice After 4 1/2 Years! Taha Afoud has finally received justice in his personal injury lawsuit against Gymnastics USA. In July 2024, Gymnastics USA threw in the towel and agreed to settle the 2019 lawsuit. Apparently, Austin Arthur didn’t want it to become a campaign…

The Gymnastics USA Danger Zone

The Gymnastics USA Danger Zone

Highway To The Gymnastics USA Danger Zone! Gymnastics USA Sued Multiple Times By Parents For Negligence. Are you ready to have your kids take a ride into the Gymnastics USA Danger Zone? Zander and Austin Arthur describe the Ninja Kidz area at Gymnastics USA as nothing more than kids having supervised fun. However, some parents…

Austin Arthur Campaign Threw Austin’s Brother Under The Bus

Austin Arthur Campaign Threw Austin’s Brother Under The Bus

Austin Arthur Campaign Threw Austin’s Brother Zander Under The Bus As The Gymnastics USA PPP Loan Scandal Grows Legs The Austin Arthur campaign went into full blown panic mode last week. The campaign Facebook page obviously operated by his wife Kelly claimed Austin doesn’t own Gymnastics USA. She made the claim after she became annoyed…

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