Silent Night Deadly Night: Austin Attacks Paw-Paw

Silent Night Deadly Night: On Christmas Eve 2018 An Inebriated Austin Arthur Violently Assaulted His Former Father-In-Law In Front Of His Kids

An Inebriated Austin Arthur Drives To His Father-In-Law’s house And Assaults Him

Most real Christians spend the night before Christmas with family, wrapping gifts and celebrating the solemn Holiday at Church services. 

But that is NOT how MAD-DOG Austin “Boyd” Arthur rolls.

Christmas Eve 2018 could have easily turned into Silent Night Deadly Night had Austin Arthur had his way.

As the story goes, Austin rolled up to Grandpa’s home intoxicated from downing shots in Scott Boyd’s basement brothel.   

He was there to pick up his first daughter – who he abandoned years earlier to start a new family with Kellie Stone. 

Thankfully, his former father-in-law Samuel Eberwein stepped in to take a beating and stop a violently drunk Austin from taking his granddaughter for a drunken car ride.

Yes, contrary to the story Austin Arthur tells voters, he punched and choked his ex-wife’s father.

No, Austin, it’s not a lie. It’s in the police report that you and your pals are trying to suppress. Read the report below.

As a result, police arrested Austin Arthur and police booked him into the Orange County jail.

Arthur then spent 3 days in Orange County lockup waiting for his brother Zander to post bond.  

Most normal people have very fond memories of Christmas 2018 with their family and children.   

Arthur spent Christmas 2018 in JAIL.

Austin Arthur’s Uncontrollable Sexual Urges That Led To This Almost Silent Night Deadly Night

silent night deadly night

Austin and Kellie Met at The “No-Tel Motel” in Winter Garden.

The story begins years earlier. Austin and his 1st wife Molly were running the family business that they started together – Gymnastics USA. 

That is until Austin hired a cute young hottie named Kellie Stone who was mesmerized with the metrosexual Austin’s creepy vibe.

Soon afterward Creepy Coach Austin began personally “coaching” Kellie and the two became VERY friendly and then SUPER friendly.  And you know what happened next. 

Soon, they were taking 2-hour “coaching” sessions in the back room while Molly ran Gymnastics USA like a dutiful Christian wife.

These “breaks” soon progressed to the Edewater Hotel only a few minutes down the road.  As you have probably guessed, they were not 2-hour martini lunches where business was discussed. They were “afternoon delights.”

The Edgewater offered a few advantages to the cloddish business owner and his mistress. First, it was close to the gym and cheap. This allowed Austin to pay by the hour. 

As Austin’s adulterous lust for Kellie Stone grew, he began to distance himself from poor Molly and his young daughter.   

Soon, the two-hour “coaching sessions” turned into all day “mastermind” events in the back room at Gymnastics USA when Molly wasn’t around. 

Everyone in the gym knew what was going on except Austin’s poor, faithful wife Molly. She refused to believe her “charismatic Christian” husband was committing adultery.    

When Molly finally confronted Austin about his adulterous affair and demanded he stop to save their family, a former employee said Austin fired her from the family business that she helped start and told her to leave the building.   

Austin later moved in with Stone and completely abandoned the newly unemployed Molly and their young daughter all alone with no way of supporting themselves.

An Inebriated Arthur Assaults His Ex-Father-In-Law

silent night deadly night

Austin Arthur turned a simple task of picking up his daughter into what could have been an episode of Jerry Springer.

At about midnight on Christmas Eve 2018 an inebriated Austin Arthur showed up at the home of his ex-father-in-law.

The police report says everything was civil until a drunk Arthur turned the evening into an episode of Jerry Springer by attacking Grandpa – who was 69 years of age at the time.

The brawl first began when Eberwein accused Arthur of being drunk. This made the drunk Austin furious. It soon escalated when Eberwein confronted Arthur about the adulterous affair that led to him abandoning his family.

Arthur flew into a rage and lunged after Eberwein and knocked his glasses off. He then knocked Eberwein to the ground and began punching and choking him. 

Arthur then fled the scene when he learned someone had called the police. Police later showed up at his and Stone’s love shack.

Arthur admitted punching and choking his father-in-law. As a result, police arrested Arthur. 

You can read the police report below:

Silent Night Deadly Night

You Can Also Read More About The real Austin Arthur below on the

New Austin Arthur Race Card SCANDAL Unfolding

Creepy Austin Arthur Campaign ROCKED By Scandals

Creepy Austin Arthur is Phone Stalking Orange County Voters

Austin Arthur And Scott Boyd Busted Exploiting Special Needs Kids

Morally Bankrupt Scott Boyd Grooms Proxy Puppet Austin Arthur To Do His Bidding


BUTTHURT AUSTIN ARTHUR DISCLAIMER: is an independent website anonymously run by a group of private citizen voters who live in Orange County District 1.  Austin Arthur is seriously BUTTHURT that this website is exposing all of his scandals and he is falsely blaming Nicole Wilson.   This website is NOT affiliated with the Nicole Wilson Campaign in any way shape or form.    All opinions and content are constitutionally protected FREE SPEECH and are solely those of the site administrators and private citizen contributors.   They DO NOT represent the official views or endorsements of the Nicole Wilson Campaign.


Austin Arthur Race Card


You Can Help Stop Austin Arthur NOW! Are You Are A Victim Of Austin Arthur?

Is Austin Arthur ROBO Dialing and TEXT BLASTING Your Mobile Phone? 

When You REPLY TO STOP – is SUPER CREEPY AUSTIN Calling You Direct From His Cell Phone 305-283-6519 Offering To Talk?     


Contact the Orange County Sheriff’s Office At 407.836.4357 to FILE A POLICE REPORT for Harassment, STALKING, and TCPA Violations.


Austin Arthur Race Card SCANDAL Unfolding

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